Understanding NIM

NIM is ITB student identifier that consists of a fixed eight-character number. The eight characters are split into three parts.


Every student will obtain one NIM during their freshman and another one upon starting as a sophomore. The former is commonly referred as faculty NIM and the latter as major NIM.

Basic Usage for Name and NIM

The NIM Finder works typically as you would expect in case-insensitive fashion. You could type anything in the query. Number would be regarded as batch year or major code if makes sense else as student's NIM. Meanwhile, string would be considered as major name or major code if possible then student's name otherwise.

Enter NIM or any part of the NIM and you'll get students with the corresponding part of NIM.


Similarly, enter name and you'll get students whose name contains the query as part of the student's full name.

Alternatively, you might want to search for students whose any part of the name starts with the given query instead of just containing the query. In that case, you'll need to put an extra dot (.) on the query.

Do note, however, that searching this way (start-name searching) cannot be combined with the basic name searching. In the case that it occurs, the system will prioritize start-name searching.


Advanced Usage for Major and Batch Year

NIM Finder also supports searching by major, faculty, and batch year.

Searching by majors or faculties can be done with either the major/faculty names or the major/faculty codes. The tables below display the keywords required to search by faculties and majors, respectively. Note that all keywords are case-insensitive.

SFSF, 162

MatematikaMatematika, mate, matem, MA, mat, FMIPA, 101
FisikaFisika, FI, fis, FMIPA, 102
AstronomiAstro, astronomi, AS, FMIPA, 103
MikrobiologiMikrobiologi, mikro, BM, SITHS, 104
KimiaKimia, KI, kim, FMIPA, 105
BiologiBiologi, BI, bio, SITHS, 106
Sains dan Teknologi FarmasiSains dan Teknologi Farmasi, farmasi, STF, FA, SF, 107
AktuariaAktuaria, aktu, AK, FMIPA, 108
Rekayasa HayatiRekayasa Hayati, Hayati, BE, SITHR, 112
Rekayasa PertanianRekayasa Pertanian, pertanian, tani, tanian, BA, SITHR, 114
Rekayasa KehutananRekayasa Kehutanan, kehutanan, BW, SITHR, 115
Farmasi Klinik dan KomunitasFarmasi Klinik dan Komunitas, farmasi, FKK, FK, SF, 116
Teknologi Pasca PanenTeknologi Pasca Panen, pasca, panen, PP, SITH, 119
Teknik GeologiTeknik Geologi, geologi, geo, GL, FITB, 120
Teknik PertambanganTeknik Pertambangan, tambang, TA, FTTM, 121
Teknik PerminyakanTeknik Perminyakan, minyak, TM, FTTM, 122
Teknik GeofisikaTeknik Geofisika, geofisika, geofis, TG, FTTM, 123
Teknik MetalurgiTeknik Metalurgi, metalurgi, metal, MG, FTTM, 125
MeteorologiMeteorologi, meteor, mete, ME, FITB, 128
OseanografiOseanografi, ose, oseano, OS, FITB, 129
Teknik KimiaTeknik Kimia, tekkim, tekim, TK, FTI, 130
Teknik MesinTeknik Mesin, mesin, MS, FTMD, 131
Teknik ElektroTeknik Elektro, elektro, EL, STEI, 132
Teknik FisikaTeknik Fisika, tekfis, fistek, FT, TF, FTI, 133
Teknik IndustriTeknik Industri, industri, TI, FTI, 134
Teknik InformatikaTeknik Informatika, IF, informatika, STEI, 135
Aeronautika dan AstronautikaAeronautika, Astronautika, aero, dirgantara, penerbangan, AE, FTMD, 136
Teknik MaterialTeknik Material, material, MT, FTMD, 137
Teknik PanganTeknik Pangan, pangan, tepan, tekpan, PG, FTI, 143
Manajemen Rekayasa IndustriManajemen Rekayasa Industri, MRI, MR, FTI, 144
Teknik Bioenergi dan KemurgiTeknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, kemurgi, TB, FTI, 145
Teknik SipilTeknik Sipil, sipil, SI, FTSL, 150
Teknik Geodesi dan GeomatikaTeknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, geodesi, GD, FITB, 151
ArsitekturArsitektur, arsi, AR, SAPPK, 152
Teknik LingkunganTeknik Lingkungan, lingkungan, TL, FTSL, 153
Perencanaan Wilayah dan KotaPerencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, plano, PWK, PL, SAPPK, 154
Teknik KelautanTeknik Kelautan, kelautan, KL, FTSL, 155
Rekayasa Infrastruktur LingkunganRekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, RIL, IL, FTSL, 157
Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya AirTeknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, TPSDA, SA, FTSL, 158
Seni RupaSeni Rupa, rupa, SR, FSRD, 170
KriyaKriya, KR, FSRD, 172
Desain InteriorDesain Interior, interior, DI, FSRD, 173
Desain Komunikasi VisualDesain Komunikasi Visual, DKV, DK, FSRD, 174
Desain ProdukDesain Produk, produk, DP, FSRD, 175
Teknik Tenaga ListrikTeknik Tenaga Listrik, power, EP, STEI, 180
Teknik TelekomunikasiTeknik Telekomunikasi, telkom, ET, STEI, 181
Sistem dan Teknologi InformasiSistem dan Teknologi Informasi, STI, II, STEI, 182
Teknik BiomedisTeknik Biomedis, biomed, EB, STEI, 183
ManajemenManajemen, mene, MB, SBM, 190
KewirausahaanKewirausahaan, kewirus, MK, SBM, 192


Searching by years follows the same fashion as majors/faculties. Current NIM Finder supports batch year from 2016 to 2022. The table below display the keywords recognized to filter by batch year.

20162016, 16
20172017, 17
20182018, 18
20192019, 19
20202020, 20
20212021, 21
20222022, 22


Compound Searching

The main idea behind NIM Finder is to enable rich search without any SQL query. Rich search allows searching with all the combination of name, NIM, major, faculty, and batch year in any order of typing. You could even omit space when adjacents keywords have different representation (alphabet next to number or vice-versa).

The NIM Finder also provides sorting ability on name and NIM result simply just by clicking on the table header. Upward arrow means ascending, and vice-versa. Name sorting are based alphabetically. For NIM sorting, those with major (second-year above students) get prioritized first based on the major NIM, then those in the freshman year. However, the default sort still relies on faculty NIM in ascending order.


On top of the filter and sort features, you could also copy the student's information to clipboard by simply clicking on it. Downloading the whole query result to Microsoft Excel is also another feature that you might want to try.

Feel free to provide any feedback or inquire any question!